Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to take some time to say how thankful I am for all the people who love and support Saber Collie Studios. You make my day with your comments, I’m glad that my cartoons could be a form of enjoyment in your life, as it is for me to make them.

I am thankful for many things. God, my country, my family, and a sense of purpose and destiny instilled in me by the almighty. Today is a wonderful day to be thankful for all you have in your life. I know 2020 has been a terrible year for many of you, but it’s also been a blessing in disguise in so many ways. I came down with a horrible case of Covid this year, and it was one of the worst periods of my life. But God through his grace brought me out of it. I immediately had an appreciation for the small things that so many of us took for granted.

I ask you to take a moment today and think of all the good things that you have in your life. Even if it’s just one small thing. If you live outside of the USA and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, give thanks anyways. It’s something we all should do daily.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

with love,

Light Lux Collie

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TEMPORARY Hiatus and Animation Project

Hello internet family!

I will be sending this out in an email as well, I just have a few things I wanted to let you know. First, I am TEMPORARILY putting all my comics on a hiatus, just for the next 4 or so weeks. I may even be back before then. The reason for this is because I am finishing up the final project for a years long course I've been undergoing to learn traditional animation. But here is the good news! The two pages of my new comic Walk With Me will be posting to the site on their respective dates. So you can look forward to seeing those if you haven't already with early access on Patreon and Subscribestar. I will be sending out update emails when those post to the site, so you can rest assured that you won't miss anything. Also, if you were wondering, the answer is YES! You will get to see my animation project once it's completed. It'll be a cute 30 second Sci-Fi short I'm sure you will enjoy. In the meantime, I will be posting the occasional blog entry on any progress I make. So if you are interested, keep an eye out for updates.

Well that's all I have to say for now.

Stay blessed,

Light Lux Collie

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Update! Walk With Me Finally Posted!

Update! Walk With Me Finally Posted!


I’ll send out an email tomorrow. But there is good news. I am happy to say that Saber Collie Studios third official comic (Walk With Me). has finally posted its first page. It is currently available through early access on Patreon and Subscribestar. Each page will become publicly available a month after it post there.

You’ll see that I added a new page for Walk With Me under comics. I have the cover page for Chapter 1 posted there at the moment. Once page 1 becomes publicly available. It will post on this site as well.

So if you want to see each page a month before everyone else, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon or Subscribestar. Saber Collie Studios always appreciates your support.



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Life Update (7/19/20)

Hello Internet Family!

I sent this out in an email earlier. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up on my site so that you can get weekly comic and news updates.

I'm writing this today just to let you know what's been happening these past few weeks. I'm sure some of you have noticed that there have not been any updates. Well there is a good reason for that. Yours truly managed to come down with a confirmed case of the plague which shall not be named. I'm sure you all know which one. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant experience. The good news is that I'm all better. Ready to get back to work. Comic-Comic will return this Wednesday and update emails will be sent out on Saturday as usual. Also, Denatured will return the following week. Thank you for being patient with me during this time. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.

Have an awesome week,

Light Lux Collie

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Fixed the comic navigation buttons...Sorta?

So I managed to fix the comic navigation buttons.


It’s so annoying, I spend a lot of money on them, and they did absolutely nothing to help. Even when I reached out to them. I really want to eventually develop my own site without their aid, but that seems like a far off dream for now. I might be looking into alternatives soon. We’ll see what happens.

Anyways, in order for me to fix the navigation buttons, I had to one by one deactivate a feature on the images. It will no longer enlarge when you click it. If you have trouble reading the words or seeing details now, GO YELL AT SQUARESPACE!

Sorry, I just have to get that out of my system.

I tested all the pages to make sure they worked. If you come across any that aren’t, please let me know so I can attempt to fix them.

That’s it for now,

Light Lux Collie

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Re-Introducing (Walk With Me) A new comic by Light Lux Collie

Re-Introducing (Walk With Me) A new comic by Light Lux Collie

So I wanted to RE-introduce a old comic of mine. It’s called Walk With Me. This is actually my first comic. I started it around 5 years ago and at that time, I didn’t feel like my art skills were good enough to continue it. So I put it on the back burner and said I wouldn’t return to it until I had sufficiently improved. So I now feel like I’m ready to revive it.

This will be a Patreon/SubscribeStar exclusive comic.

So if you want to get access to all of the pages as I complete them each month. You can become a supporter on Patreon or SubscribeStar, and you will receive access to each new page of Walk With Me.

Another option will be to wait and you can purchase the full completed chapters on Amazon Kindle or via my store as each chapter is completed.

Here is the synopsis

Deep in the mountains of the rural United States, exist small a town just struggling to get by. The residents there, are worried. A military base has been established right next door, and it’s harboring a secret. A secret, that a terrorist organization is looking for.

Now, this town of misfits must ban together to survive the onslaught a chaos inhabiting their world.

Enter a world of trained super soldiers, Cloned dinosaurs, genetically augmented wolves, and more.

The one man with the power to stop them, isn’t a man at all.

Meet Benny, he’s a small buck with ambition. Did I mention he has a secret too? His hidden power, could put a stop to the chaos. If only he knew how to turn it on.

Together with his Friend Bee, they will unlock the hidden secrets, meet new friends, and protect their town from the insanity to come.

Find out more when you watch Walk With Me, a comic by Light Lux Collie.


Hope you guys give it a look, the first page will post possibly next month or earlier If I manage to finish it on time.

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Squarespace Not Working!

I’m sure some of you noticed that the comics are in a weird format and they won’t let you navigate through the different pages. I’m rather annoyed by this issue and it has to do with one a Squarespace’s recent updates. Hopefully it will correct itself soon, like most of the issues i’ve experienced with Squarespace. If not, I’m going to have to try and fix it on my own. Something I have no idea how to do. :(

In the mean time, you can still view the comics by clicking on the actual images. and you can see all of the old ones by going through the archive pages.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Light Lux Collie

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Commissions Open! Get em while their hot!

Commissions Open! Get em while their hot!

Good news everyone!

I have officially opened art commissions. So if you are one of the people who has just been dying to get a peace of artwork from me, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, so we will see how it goes, but here is my official pricing chart!

Just a few things to remember,

  1. Look over the pricing chart and check the main commission pricing page on my site for availability before you fill out a form. I only do 5 commission slots at a time.

  2. Read through the TOS located on my site.

  3. Fill out the commission form thoroughly before submitting it.

If you have any questions and concerns, please feel free to contact me and let me know.

Have an awesome day!!!

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Might Open Commissions Soon,

So found out today that I am being laid off from my job.

And before you ask, the answer is YES, this is because of the stupid corona virus.

Don’t worry I don’t have it.

My place of business has let go of over 75% of the staff because they can no longer afford to pay them while the facility is following all the CDC guidelines. They are only letting in 50 people per hour and are running the whole facility on a bare minimum skeleton crew. Did I mention that this is an aquarium. They will probably close completely soon.

So I’m in a sour mood at the moment, because I had finally managed to work my way up in that company and was working with animals and educating people. It was the first time I had a job I actually enjoyed, now this happens.

They did mention that they may call me back once all this blows over, but I have a hard time believing that given the nature of the company.

So in the mean time, I might be opening commissions soon, I realize that everyone in the entire world is doing the exact same thing. So I’m still thinking it over. I will send out another notice soon when or if I do. So if you want something from me, this might be your chance.

I will let you know soon.

One last thing, I don’t usually talk about current events because I know nobody wants to hear about it. But this virus has brought out the worst in people, ruined entire businesses, the economy, and even some relationships. The fear of this virus is a hundred times worse that the virus itself. It’s a sad world we live in right now, and all I ask is that people not fear this and just practice common sense. Have some human decency and not act like a bunch animals. Well...non humanoid animals at least.

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Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Happy V Day Everyone!

Or as I like to call it, Singles Awareness Day. I hope everyone bought lots of chocolate for that super special someone in your lives. If you haven’t found that someone in your life yet. (like me) Don’t be afraid to show love to others around you. There are plenty of people that need you to be there for them. That could be your significant other, family, or good friends. Remember to radiate your love towards the people that need it. Your light makes a greater impact than you think.

BTW, someone told me recently that they have finally stopped making those candy hearts with the little messages on them. If this is true, I am absolutely DEVASTATED!

Sorry, I’m one of the rare weirdos that actually liked those hearts.

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Huzzah! Another News Update! (2/5/20)

Huzzah! Another News Update! (2/5/20)

Hello wonderful saber collie family!

How is everyone? I am back at it again with a full force of crazyness.

So just some quick news updates.

First, If you have subscribed to the newsletter in the last two weeks. Double check to see if you are actually subscribed. Mailchimp, who I use for my emails, had some connection issues lately and I had some notifications that said some people weren’t saved to the email list.

Second, you may have noticed that I added an animation tab to the website. I encourage you to check out the animations I have been working on for DBU. Also subscribe the Saber Collie Studios YouTube channel to stay up to date. You’ll see more of these as time goes on. My eventual goal is to start bringing my own characters to life. I definitely wouldn’t be apposed to creating some animated comics, something that I might experiment with in the future.

Finally, In order for me to have a more consistent post schedule. I am going to be rotating which comics I post each week. Having two updates a week, just isn’t feasible for me at this time. So instead, I will only be doing one update per week. This week was Comic-Comic, while next week will be Denatured. So if you only follow one or the other, just know that the updates will be every other week for both comics.

Well that’s all I have for you at the moment. Hope everyone has a fantastic rest of your week!

Light Lux Collie

Here, have a feesh.

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Update 12/19/19

Update 12/19/19

How is everyone this fine day? So sorry for the lack of updates these past few weeks, I have just been so swamped with everything lately. Between interviewing for a new job in my department, schoolwork, and the fact that I’ve been recovering from the flu. I just haven’t been able to get much done. I’m going to try to get back on top of things soon, but I’m still sick at the moment. Hopefully it won’t last too long and I can get back to making more content.

Until then, here is a short pencil test animation I did of Fievel from an American Tail. It was done for Don Bluth University.
Did I mention I’ve been doing that?

Yep, I’m working towards my goal of becoming an animator. I am blessed enough to be able to learn from the master Don Bluth himself. Something I will never take for granted.

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Merry Spoopy-mas

Merry Spoopy-mas

Happy Halloween everyone!

Hope you have all been well and are thriving in each of your individual worlds. I didn’t have much time to carve a pumpkin this year, but I did manage to paint a small one. Woof!

It’s been a very strange couple of months, good things have happened, but I also suffered a family trauma. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotion. Anyways, I’ll talk about the really good stuff that has happened this past month in another post later on. I’m going to try and be more active on this blog. I think I might start using it to post any incomplete or unfinished sketches. I feel like it might be a good place to post them.

hope you all have a very spoopy Halloween,

Light Lux Collie ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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